Max was born on Monday, July 19, 2010 at 11:30 pm. He was born at the base hospital in Sicily, Italy. He was 7 pounds 10 ounces, and 20 inches.
On Monday I went in for a routine check up, and they told me I was already 5 cm dilated. They didn't want to send me home so Tom and I went walking at the high school track on base. We called to let my mom know we wouldn't be coming home, and we knew DJ, Noah, and Lincoln were in good hands. Within about an hour, the contractions started getting stronger. My water broke at 7:40 pm. With many of the contractions, Max's heart rate dropped significantly. The doctor was worried, and there was talk about an emergency c-section. Fortunately, they didn't have to do a c-section, and he arrived at 11:30 pm with the umbilical cord wrapped around his neck twice and once around his arms. He was blue and didn't cry for what seemed like minutes, but was only seconds. The pediatrician was there to make sure he was well taken care of as soon as he arrived. Then he cried, and so did I. Tom was a great coach. We are in awe of this little miracle. The boys are already in love with him. We are too!
We are excited for Grandpa Frank and Grandma Linda to come meet their new grandson in October. My mom is here for another month, and we are incredibly thankful for her help.