What an A-M-A-Z-I-N-G day we had yesterday. The final four astronauts of the space shuttle Atlantis came to Sigonella for a visit. The Commander Chris Ferguson, co-pilot Doug Hurley, Rex Walheim, and Sandy Magnus came to the flight line for a tour. Then we met them later in the evening for another presentation and Q & A time. They brought a special piece of America with them yesterday. What a special group. We were star struck.

The astronauts getting off the bus for a tour of the Gulfstream hangar where Tom works. Tom and DJ had a special time talking with the astronauts.
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Tom watching the astronauts sign DJ's space book.
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I overheard the astronaut Hurley asking Tom, "So what do you fly?" and Tom pointed to the Gulfstream behind him. The astronaut told Tom how they train for their shuttle landings in a Gulfstream.
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The astronaut asked who wants to be an astronaut? DJ quickly raised his hand.
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Signing DJ's space book. They also gave patches and shuttle pins to the kids.
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Group shot of Tom's squadron and families with all four astronauts in front of the Gulfstream.
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DJ getting the Commander Ferguson to sign his book.
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Astronaut Sandy Magnus. I don't think we'll ever forget this day.
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DJ built a Lego Space Shuttle and had each astronaut sign by the spot where they sat on Atlantis. We'll keep this Lego on a special shelf!
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DJ brought his drum sticks for Commander Ferguson to sign.
He's a drummer in an all astronaut rock band!
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After signing autographs, the Final Four did a short presentation at the base movie theater.
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Rex Walheim
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Christopher Ferguson
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Doug Hurley
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DJ and I sat in the third row. I had our babysitter Rosa stay home with Max, Lincoln, and Noah. Tom had to fly to Kosovo in the afternoon so sadly he missed the evening presentation. I wish Tom could've been with us, but it was a special time with DJ.
Unfortunately, we didn't end the evening on that exciting note. When we came home, Lincoln and Noah came running to the car to greet us. DJ got a little excited and accidentally slammed the car door on Lincoln's hand. Our doctor happened to be taking a walk and passing by (nice part about our little base). He looked at Lincoln's hand and told us to head to the ER. Thankfully, it was just bruised pretty badly. Even with that ending, we still had one of the best days that we will always remember.