Saturday, January 9, 2010


I'm 13 weeks pregnant! I know we surprised some of you! This little boy or girl is due July 21, 2010.

We had an ultrasound, and everything looks good. The heartbeat was 160. Everything is going pretty smoothly so far. We have another ultrasound at about 20 weeks, and we'll hopefully be able to find out if we're having a boy or girl.

I told Tom if they tell us we're having another boy, he needs to spare no expense and do something really special for me!! :)


Brazenlilly said...

Yeah! That is so exciting! (Great pic, btw. ;)) I'm totally giggling at the thought of you with FOUR boys! God will give you strength. :) Congrats!

The Paudlers said...

Jen, I know! I can almost hear the doctor saying "it's a boy." It makes me tear up a little! :) Thanks for your help, BTW!!!

Dad and Mom said...

Cat's out of the bag so to speak but baby is in utero!!

Linda and I are praying for a healthy baby and a healthy mother. Also for a relaxed father!

I bet DJ, Noah, and LIncoln are excited. Boy or girl, he/she will get a lot of love.

Love, Dad and Mom(Grandpa Frank and Grandma Linda)