It's my turn to do a post (Tom).
DJ joined cub scouts this past week. It's something we've been wanting to do for a while. I have some great memories of doing Cub Scouts with my dad. Friday we had a camping trip at a working farm and Arabian horse farm. Only could take DJ and Noah on this trip, because Lincoln and Max were too little.
We arrived at the camping site at dusk. Nothing like putting up a tent in the dark. After putting up the tent, we had "dump chili". Every scout brought one can of anything they wanted to add to the chili and that is what we had for dinner! DJ brought Spaghetti O's. After dinner, came the campfire. We sang lots of songs and DJ's "bear" group did two skits.
We retired a torn/worn American flag. The scout leader did a great job of talking about what the American flag means to us and honoring those who have defended this country throughout history, both at home and abroad.
I (along with 12 other dads) awarded DJ his bobcat badge and official entry into the scouts. What a great program. I am excited for all my sons to be a part of the boy scouts.
Can not forget smores and marshmallows. Then off to bed. Reveille was at 0600. DJ and I had a fun time in the morning laughing and smiling as the roosters "cockadoodle doo'd" about every minute. The camp leaders cooked breakfast and then we broke down our tents and cleaned up.
Then it was time for four 45 minute stations. Map/Compass, Fitness, Geography, and Horses. DJ and Noah learned about the horse farm, how to approach and walk around a horse, how to clean and brush a horse, and how to mount/dismount a horse. They breed Arabian horses here. At the fitness station, DJ learned how to take his pulse, learned about resting heartrate, target heartrate, maximum heart rate. He learned how about the dangers of drugs and alcohol. They also did some pullups, situps, standing long jump, and running. At the geography station, they looked at a globe and discussed how many continents there are, how many oceans, and discussed longitude and latitude lines. At the map/compass station, they learned some basic orienteering skills and drew a map of the campground.
After all the stations were complete, we did a cleanup of the entire area and then sang the national anthem to end the trip.
What an experience!! Lots of memories for their little brains to absorb. Good to give them as many as possible. Brain has 100 billion nerve cells!! That's with a b!! Noah is so proud of his marshmallow, and is a natural on the horse. DJ is looking so mature.
They had such a fun time! BTW, DJ wanted us to know that he was getting off the horse in that picture so he looks a little awkward.
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