Last week, the Italians had a BIG strike all over Sicily. The truckers, farmers, taxi drivers, and fisherman were striking over several issues, one of the main issues being extremely high gas prices. They blocked major ports, roads, and tolls which stopped goods from being imported and caused major congestion all over the island. They used their semi trucks and tractors as blockades, and the protestors crowded around these areas for a week, day and night. All gas stations were completely out of gas. It was crazy.
Our base was effected. People were being stranded at their homes and work with no gas. The commissary was completely out of milk, eggs, and meat. There was even a shortage of certain diaper sizes. We had a lot of uncertainty during that week, because nobody knew how long the strike would last.
It's over now. We have gas in our tanks and milk in our refrigerator. I'm not sure if the strike caused any change for the locals, but we're glad it's over for now.
No milk at the Commissary, but lots of cream for your coffee.
This aisle is normally filled with meats.