Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year's from Mount Etna

We spent the last day of 2011 and the first day of 2012 sledding on one of the world's most active volcanos. We can see Mount Etna from our home in Sicily, and it's only about an hour and a half drive from our home to the top. New Year's Eve was really cold and windy on Mount Etna, but New Year's Day was beautiful, clear, and sunny.

We are always telling our boys how thankful we are for these unique experiences. I want to make sure they know this is special. They've done so much traveling over these past few years. I want to work hard to make sure they are thankful kids.

This is where we went sledding. You can see smoke coming from the top of the volcano. Pretty amazing.
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Mom and Max
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Lincoln was focused on getting to the top and getting as much speed as he could.
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DJ at the top of some lava rock that made a nice little hill to sled on. You can see the top of the volcano smoking in the background.
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Max was not happy on New Year's Eve when it was windy.
He cried most of the time.
Today, on New Year's Day, it was beautiful. He had a lot more fun.
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Happy New Year's!


Brazenlilly said...

That is pretty incredible stuff, Carey! I'm so happy your family got to experience this and I'm sure there have been some cons to go with the pros. Hope you have a wonderful 2012!

Dad and Mom(Grandpa Frank and Grandma Linda) said...

What no chair lifts!? It looks like great fun, and cold too! Elevation? How awesome is that, sledding on an active volcano!! What a beautiful day, blue Sicilian sky, snow, and the little Popper-bellies all together enjoying the day.
Love, Dad and Mom(Grandpa Frank and Grandma Linda)

Unknown said...

Happy New Year Carey! Great to see these pics...that's awesome that you guys will always have them to remember sledding on a volcano (seriously...who gets to do that?). We miss you guys...tell Tom and the boys I said hi!