Friday, February 26, 2010

Better than a pacifier.

We found a new way to keep Lincoln happy and content . . .

At dinner last night, DJ said "It's better than a pacifier!"


Brazenlilly said...

I love it! That is awesome. It's a new variation on the theme of us mothers giving our kids a snack to keep them happy for a few minutes. He's adorable!

Dad and Mom(Grandpa Frank and Grandma Linda) said...

Is Lincoln chewing or gumming!!

He's not sucking off butter and salt is he??

Love, Dad and Mom(Grandpa Frank and Grandma Linda)

The Paudlers said...

Thanks Jen! We thought it was pretty funny too.

Grandpa F and Grandma L - Don't worry, no butter or salt on his corn! :) Lincoln has a mouth full of teeth and he's biting off that corn! He loves his fruits and veggies!!