Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Day 15 - Jenga

*video clip of Jenga game*
Hi Tom! We thought of you today as we played Jenga. DJ said he wished you were here. I do too! Love, Carey

Thursday, January 17, 2008

*video clip of Noah giving a high five*

Noah learned a new trick. He can give high fives! Pretty cute.

Day 10 - Snow Day!

*video clip of Noah in the snow*
It snowed about 3-4 inches today. I wish you could be here, Tom!

*video clip of DJ showing off his school room*

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Noah watching himself and dad on the computer.

*video clip of Noah watching home movies*

Noah's new favorite thing is to watch himself on home videos. Here he is watching himself and Tom together as they read a Pottery Barn Kids catalogue. I took this video today.

Day Five - Saturday basketball game

*video clip basketball game*
Here are some shots of today's basketball game. Needs to work on the concept of dribbling vs. traveling a little more. But DJ made a shot in today's game! Unfortunately, I didn't get it on film.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Day Four

*video clip of DJ reading*

DJ, who is a Kindergarten homeschooler, is doing his reading for today.

Noah is 16 months old today.

*video clip of Noah*

This is video from today of Noah doing some of his tricks.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Day Two - Happy Birthday Tom!

Day Two - Happy Birthday Tom! I wish we could be together to celebrate your birthday today. I hope you had a good day and sleep well tonight. Good night! Love you!

*video clip of boys singing*

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Day One - Tom called!

Day One -
I just got off the phone with Tom! I wish I could say where he's at, but I don't think I'm suppose to write that on a blog. I can say that he's landed, he's safe, he's doing well, and that he's tired. We only talked for a few minutes and now he's off to bed. Sorry I don't have much more to share.

Funny thing DJ said that I do have to share. DJ and Tom were talking. And DJ said, "It's a busy year for us, with you going to Afghanistan and me going to Awanas." Pretty cute. Isn't that funny, that that's his perspective on things. If you don't know what Awanas is, it's a Bible study/group for kids. Through the eyes of a 6 year old!

Highlights from today:
  • Got DJ and Noah's well-child exams done. Both healthy kids!
  • Took DJ and Noah on a walk to the park with my friend, Heidi, and her four kids.
  • It got to 70 degrees today (yes, I said 70!)
  • I had 4 different moms and their kids cycle through our house and yard this afternoon/evening. That's what nice weather does around here. Everyone comes out and gets together. It's so nice.
  • Got an email from our friends Angie and Troy, from our old small group in Washington State. It's fun to reconnect with old friends.
  • I had both boys in bed by 7:40pm!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

DJ shows off his Legos.

*video clip of DJ and Legos*

I wanted to show off DJ's talent of putting together Legos. He does a pretty amazing job with following the directions and building these things. He rarely asks for help. He's very detailed and wants to get it exactly right.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Noah plays the piano.

*video clip of Noah playing piano*

A few months ago, DJ started piano lessons. He practices ten minutes a day. When DJ is done practicing, Noah gets a turn. Here's Noah, at 15 months old, on the piano.

Starting a blog and 1st basketball game.

I've decided to start a blog. I think it might be a good way for Tom to see what's going on here while he's in Afghanistan. He leaves in less than a week. And it might be a fun way to better stay in touch with family and friends. I'll try my best to keep this up.

It's Saturday and DJ had his first basketball game of the season. He's on a team of 6-8 year olds at Andrews Air Force Base. They don't keep score, but we think his team won. It was fun to watch them play. He's the youngest, and that's good for him. I'm so glad Tom was able to see a game before he leaves for Afghanistan. We thought he was going to miss the whole season.
*picture of basketball game*