Monday, January 25, 2010

Picking oranges

Last Saturday we went to an Italian farm, picked oranges, and had an authentic Sicilian meal.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Couch time

Tom and I have a goal to have couch time every night. It's our time to hang out with each other, talk, and even squeeze in a competitive game of Nerts. Our kids aren't allowed to interupt us. The goal is for our kids to see us enjoying each other's company and having fun together. The goal is for us to put our marriage before our kids. And the goal is to do this while they are awake so they can see us. We know this will give them the security of knowing their parents love each other. Plus it's just fun to have grown up time! If we can do this with an 8, 3, and 1 year old, anyone can do it!! We've been going to a Monday night small group that has challenged us to do this every night. We've noticed that the boys have been playing together a lot better since we've started our couch time. Here's a clip of them having fun together while Tom and I are playing Nerts.

Saturday, January 9, 2010


I'm 13 weeks pregnant! I know we surprised some of you! This little boy or girl is due July 21, 2010.

We had an ultrasound, and everything looks good. The heartbeat was 160. Everything is going pretty smoothly so far. We have another ultrasound at about 20 weeks, and we'll hopefully be able to find out if we're having a boy or girl.

I told Tom if they tell us we're having another boy, he needs to spare no expense and do something really special for me!! :)

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Narrow roads

Driving in Italy is very different than anywhere I've been. Okay, different is too nice. It's crazy. With Tom at work, the crazy driving keeps me home more than I'd like during the weekdays. It can be pretty intimidating.

Here's one example. Last weekend, we heard about a little village a short drive from our house that had 3o-something nativity scenes hidden all through the town. A friend of Tom's said it was fun for his kids to turn it into a scavenger hunt and see who could find the most nativity scenes. So that was our plan.

Tom and I were tied 1 to 1, while DJ had already found 2. Then . . . we had to cut our game short. Tom's friend forgot to tell us how narrow the streets were, and our Honda Pilot wouldn't fit down anymore roads. We actually had the tiny car in front of us stop, and one of the guys got out and motioned for us to back up because our car wouldn't be able to go any further down the street without getting stuck. We actually had to hold our breath and hope for the best down this street . . .