Wednesday, November 10, 2010

DJ turns nine!

Happy birthday, DJ! You were born 9 years ago today. It's hard to believe. How are you growing up so quickly?

You are such a special young man with a big heart. You almost always have a smile on your face. You are quick to forgive. We appreciate those things about you.

You're in the 3rd grade in Italy this year. Science and Math are your favorites. Your teacher loves your enthusiastic spirit for learning. We hope you'll stay that way forever. She says you also talk a little too much. We're not surprised. You've always enjoyed chatting. You have a good work ethic. Isaac, Eddie, and Slater are a few of your close friends.

You still want to be a pilot when you grow up. You'd like to go to West Point, just like dad. You can do anything you want. You have such great potential. Don't ever give up.

This year you're doing a Bible study with dad. You guys eat Freeze Pops together and study the Bible. It's a special time that you both look forward to. You're planning on being baptized soon. We hope you will follow Jesus for the rest of your life. We want nothing more.

We hope we can fill this year with lots of wonderful memories for you. We love you!

Mom and Dad


Grandpa Frank and Grandma Linda said...

Hi DJ!

Your Mom and Dad had some beautiful comments about you on the blog.
They are all true!! Grandma and I have commented many times on your big smile, your desire to work and learn new things.
Just think!! You are only 9 and have had many experiences in you life. It is wonderful to work and play in God's awesome creation!!
God is good all the time

Grandpa Frank and Grandma Linda said...

Happy 9th BD, DJ!!

Look at all the presents!!
Even a T shirt with a motorcycle on the front. You can ride a motorcycle too when you get as old as Grandpa Frank!

We love you!! We want to give you a big birthday hug.