Sunday, November 7, 2010

Max's milestones

Why is it easier for me to write on this blog than write in a baby book? My baby books are way behind. I figured I can keep track of some of our kids' milestones on the blog and then when I have more time, I can put them in their baby books.

Over the weekend, Max started rolling over! He's 3 1/2 months. Now he won't stay in one spot for more than a few minutes. He also started grabbing his toys, holding them, and putting them to his mouth.

In some ways it's exciting, but I know it means crawling and walking will be here before I know it. I like these little guys best when you put them in one spot and they stay.

1 comment:

Grandpa Frank and Grandma Linda said...

Rolling over already!!? Max is 2-3 months ahead of schedule! What a motor baby!

And that smile, so big, so happy. so infectious--It makes Grandma and me smile!!